The closer we come to the end to 2015, the more rapidly change will happen.

Third Quarter Moon. Image from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center / Flickr / Creative Commons.
Third quarter moons are times to release the old in order to welcome the new. This aspect of moon-energy work offers a good focus to take in November as 2015 is a year to resolve and conclude things so that changes will engage us more easily, whether we anticipate them or not. It makes sense, therefore, to put our time and energies in the remainder of 2015 toward making room for the New that is sure to come.
With this in mind, recognize what you have been keeping that no longer needs to be kept. This can be an attitude, a habit, friendships, jobs, furniture, anything that has outgrown or outlived its usefulness in your life. This can also apply to home repairs that have been on your to-do list for many months.
Chiron is retrograde until 11/27; part of his retrograde energies make us readier to examine areas of our lives that are in need of change and/or improvement, one more impetus to lead us from what was to what will be. Change is an inevitable part of life. It is better to be prepared to embrace change than to try to ignore or deny it. This third-quarter moon magicking could ease the transition for you.
The Full Moon in Taurus on Wednesday, 11/25, the day before Thanksgiving, can be a good lead-in to recognizing needed changes. As you gather with friends and family and give thanks for what is or what has taken place, it would also be good to express thanks welcoming the new that is sure to come. You may also use leftovers from the Thanksgiving feast as part of your Third Quarter Moon celebrating, if it seems appropriate.
On Friday, 11/27, Lady Moon is in Gemini; on Saturday, 11/28 and Sunday, 11/29, she is in Cancer. Gemini influences how we evaluate things. Gemini can see all sides to an issue. Cancer energies revolve around home, family, the senses. If your primary focus concerns finding a better balance, a Gemini moon could be more helpful; if your primary focus is more about relationships or more personal matters, then a Cancer moon might provide a more helpful influence.
Whichever day you choose to honor this Third Quarter Moon, invoke crone goddesses as part of your ceremonies. Crone goddesses bring wisdom and guidance to you and help you clarify what it would be good to let go from your mind and to-do list.
You can also use this moon phase to focus on reversing negative circumstances.
You can also use this moon phase to focus on reversing negative circumstances. Of course, first you must identify the negative circumstances that need to be reversed and second, you must truly open your heart and mind to letting positive circumstances replace the negative ones.
A suggested chant for your celebrating:
“What was no longer is, no longer applies to me
Rejecting the negative, welcoming the positive, so shall it be.”
You may, of course, create a different chant if you like.
Friday is Frigga’s day and is ruled by Venus. Venus controls household management as well as feelings, so this would be a good day if your concerns include money management. Use the color green, be outdoors, barefoot if possible. If you cannot be outdoors, have a potted plant nearby to bring the Earth element present. Be sure to have a glass of water nearby, because you need to incorporate the elements Earth and Water into your magicking as you repeat your chant seven times. Sprinkling water onto the ground or the plant as you chant is an easy way to do this.
Saturday is Saturn’s day and is ruled by this large outer planet. The energies will be good if you prefer to focus on self-improvement, reversing circumstances so that negativity is replaced with positivity, or feel the need for support from a strong ally. Use the color black, be outdoors and barefoot if possible as Saturn’s element is Earth, and repeat your chant three times. If it is not possible to be outdoors and barefoot, a potted plant may be used as part of your celebrating to incorporate the Earth element. Stir the soil in the pot with your fingers as you chant.
Sunday is ruled by the Sun. If your focus is on finance, personal health, or relationships, this would be a good day for your celebrating. Use the color yellow and have a candle burning to bring the element Fire into your ritualling. Repeat your chant six times, raising and lowering the candle as you chant.
Whatever the day, whatever the intentions, be aware that the closer we come to the end to 2015, the more obvious it could be that changes are happening and the more rapidly they seem to be happening. Do your best to stay balanced in spite of upheavals, unexpected challenges, and seemingly impossibly obstacles in your path. Perseverance furthers. We will reach the New, the Undiscovered Country, the next stage of our awakening.
[Kate Braun was a contributor to the original Rag. Her website is She can be reached at Read more of Kate Braun’s writing on The Rag Blog.]