MARY MANTLE | REMEMBRANCE | Early Austin activist has died: Tom Mantle was a founder of ‘The Rag’ in 1966

By Mary Mantle | The Rag Blog | August 28, 2024

Tom Mantle in High School.

When I was a 17-year-old girl in Corpus Christi, Texas, then a small city at the bottom of America, Naval cadets came for ROTC training at the Naval Air Station there every summer and the “town girls” were invited to dances and dinners for them. 

I had a fun summer fling with one cadet, but he kept talking incessantly about his friend Tom Mantle, to the point where it was annoying. I finally asked him why he was so obsessed with this guy. He looked me straight in the eyes and said, “Because that’s the man you will someday marry.” 

Summer ended and I didn’t hear from the cadet for over a year. Then he called out of the blue, inviting me to homecoming weekend at the University of Missouri at Columbia. Having nothing better to do, I accepted and got on a Greyhound bus. I was met at the station, not by the summer fling, but by the infamous Tom Mantle. By the end of the week, we were living together.   

Tom was born in Missouri in 1946. His father and uncle owned a sandwich shop in East St. Louis and his mother took care of everything else.  He graduated from high school in St. Louis and attended college  at the University of Missouri at Columbia majoring in political science.   After we met in 1964, he dropped out.  We were married in 1965.

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East Coast Filming 2024

Forest kill from salt water intrusion, Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge, North Carolina.

By Bruce Melton | The Rag Blog | July 26, 2024

[Listen to Bruce Melton discuss the issues raised in this article on Rag Radio with Thorne Dreyer, Friday, July 26, 2-3 p.m. or stream at After broadcast, the show will be posted at the Internet Archive. Listen to all Rag Radio shows featuring Bruce Melton here.]

We are just back from East Coast filming work. It was a bit of a surprise that the King Tide was not prominent, but there were a couple of other surprises that were not expected. Forest impacts along the coast from sea level rise salt water intrusion was much worse than anything I have seen in the popular media or in academic literature, and it approached the extreme of beetle kill in western North America. General forest mortality inland, from East Texas, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, Maryland and Virginia, was also much greater than anticipated

King Tide… Initially, this trip was a King Tide observation. But there was very little to see in the way of big tides and a few things that are different from Texas can explain the difference in what we anticipated and what we observed. The east coast King Tide charts appear to show a smaller series of tides in the spring than in the fall, relative to Texas where the two periods are similar in magnitude. I haven’t realized this before because this is our first trip east. All our King Tide work has been on Padre Island in the western Gulf of Mexico. It is still not apparent to me exactly why there is this difference between the East Coast and the Gulf Coast, but probably it is geographic reasons, or maybe predominant winds or possibly the influence of the Gulf Stream along the Outer Banks where we observed. The other thing is that the East Coast beaches are different than Texas’.

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THORNE DREYER / REMEMBRANCE / Kinky Friedman 1944 – 2024

Kinky Friedman. Image from Wikipedia.

By Thorne Dreyer | The Rag Blog | July 4, 2024

Kinky Friedman, a singer, songwriter, humorist and sometime politician who with his band, the Texas Jewboys, developed an ardent following among alt-country music fans with songs like “They Ain’t Makin’ Jews Like Jesus Anymore” — and whose biting cultural commentary earned him comparisons with Will Rogers and Mark Twain — died on Thursday at his ranch near Austin, Texas. He was 79. — New York Times

I first met Richard (Kinky) Friedman, when my father, then an editor at the Houston Chronicle, drafted his son in the mid-’60s to interview the Kinkster for the Chronicle‘s Sunday Texas Magazine. We sprawled out by the Shamrock Hotel’s massive swimming pool, and talked about Friedman’s Peace Corps trek to Borneo where he introduced the populace to the art of throwing the frisbee.

Or so the legend goes.

Over the years I saw Kinky perform many times and interviewed him for various publications and on both KPFT-FM, Houston’s Pacifica radio station, and on KOOP-FM in Austin. Despite his raucous side, Kinky Friedman was a sweet, warm guy whose artistry will continue to be appreciated in the future.  He will truly be missed.

He was a world-class songwriter and never failed to entertain with his Texas Jewboys whose satirical lyrics delighted many and shocked others. He was a columnist for Texas Monthly and wrote some 16 books, many of which featured a fictionalized version of himself as a detective in New York City. He also ran a rescue ranch for animals. And, for boot, he ran for governor of Texas!

With a thick mustache, sideburns, a Honduran cigar and a broad-brimmed cowboy hat, he played his own version of Texas-inflected country music, poking provocative fun at Jewish culture, American politics and a wide range of sacred cows, including feminism — the National Organization for Women once gave him a “Male Chauvinist Pig Award.” — New York Times

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ALICE EMBREE | REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS | Second anniversary of Dobbs

Jan Lance and Alice Embree, Photo by Carlos Lowry.

By Alice Embree | The Rag Blog | July 2, 2024

This article originally appeared in Alice Embree’s Substack and was cross-posted to The Rag Blog.

AUSTIN — It was 8:30 a.m., June 24, at the Texas Capitol when the Swole Patrol, began to walk toward the south sidewalk.  The intrepid exercise group associated with Austin’s Indivisible planned to “work out their anger” and urge everyone to “exercise their right to vote.”  They began to set up their makeshift sidewalk gym.

They were marking the second anniversary of the Dobbs v Jackson ruling by the Supreme Court that overturned 50 years of life under Roe v Wade.  Fifty years of rights my daughter doesn’t have and my granddaughter won’t be able to rely upon.

As the Swole Patrol began to set up their makeshift sidewalk gym, a Texas DPS trooper walked up.  I wasn’t in earshot, but he left after talking to some of the women.  He must have determined that the hula-hoops didn’t constitute a public threat.

I was there with the elders.  I had been asked by one of the organizers to show up with “We Fought For Roe” signs.  The Texas Alliance for Retired Americans (TARA) had endorsed the event as well.

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LAMAR HANKINS | REFLECTIONS | An old lawyer’s thoughts on Trump’s 34 New York convictions

Donald Trump caricature by DonkeyHotey / Flickr / Public Domain.

By Lamar Hankins | The Rag Blog | June 13, 2024

[Listen to Thorne Dreyer’s interview with Lamar Hankins on Rag Radio, Friday, June 14, 2024, 2-3 p.m., on KOOP 91.7-FM in Austin, and streamed at]

I followed Trump’s trial in New York half-heartedly. I am not drawn to spectacles as I once might have been. For good or bad, I vacillate on the matter of electoral politics. I find them particularly tedious, especially the presidential sweepstakes. This is not because of old age having turned me cynical — even though I will be 80 later this year. I am as involved with political issues as I was 60 years ago during the civil rights and Vietnam War era. Human rights, colonialism, war, political hypocrisy, equal rights under law, the Bill of Rights, and many other social and political issues concern me deeply.

I began turning against electoral politics at the national level in 1992 because of the hypocrisy and callousness of Bill Clinton. I became unwilling to give myself over to the level of dishonesty required of many mass movements, including political ones. I have friends who are active in political parties, and I admire their tenacity and character. I gravitate instead toward organizations that focus on specific ills I would like to eliminate or ameliorate.

While political parties are not to my liking, I have never lost faith in democracy.

While political parties are not to my liking, I have never lost faith in democracy and the compromises that are necessary conditions of living together in community or, at least, proximity. But I never believed in what Hubert Humphrey would have called “the fundamental goodness of America” (in the words of journalist James Traub’s biography of Humphrey). I believe we should be honest about our history. We should feel shame when we accuse others of being colonizers because that is exactly what we did to the indigenous people we found on the North American continent when we “discovered” it. We continue to try to control political outcomes in other countries, usually to satisfy the desires of economic elites. And the internment of Japanese-Americans is difficult to forgive, as is our historic antisemitism and ethnocentrism, along with the several inexcusable wars we have spawned during my lifetime.

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Photo by Alan Pogue | The Rag Blog.

By Richard Croxdale | The Rag Blog | June 2, 2024

[Originally posted May 28, 2024, in the People’s History in Texas Substack and cross-posted to The Rag Blog.]

Doyle Niemann passed on May 1 of this year in Maryland.  Doyle worked on The Rag in Austin, Space City! in Houston, and the The Great Speckled Bird in Atlanta.  In Prince George’s County, Maryland, Doyle was a school board member, Mount Rainier City County Member, Maryland state delegate, health care advocate, and an Assistant State’s Attorney for Prince George’s County.  As the representative for District 47 in the Maryland House of Delegates for three terms, Doyle was a champion for progressive values, equality, social justice, and environmental protection.

People’s History in Texas (PHIT) interviewed Doyle at the Rag Reunion in 2005 as part of our three-part documentary on The Rag.  He was a delightful interview. Doyle was insightful and funny and an acute observer of his times.  I wish I had gotten to Austin earlier, so that I could have met Doyle earlier in my life.  Doyle was a good person.  He will be missed.  PHIT is happy to have collected his stories of his time in Austin.

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ROBERT COTTRELL | ALTERNATIVE MEDIA | Looking Back at ‘The Village Voice’: ‘The Freaks Came Out to Write’

By Robert Cottrell | The Rag Blog | May 8, 2024

[Robert Cottrell will be Thorne Dreyer’s guest on Rag Radio, Friday, May 10, 2-3 p.m. on KOOP-FM 91.7-FM in Austin, and streamed on, where they will discuss the Voice and this review.]

Tricia Romano’s intriguing oral history, The Freaks Came Out to Write: The Definitive History of the Voice, the Radical Paper that Changed American Culture (2024), relates the rise and fall of one of America’s earliest and most influential alternative publications. Presented in generally chronological fashion, this lengthy tome relates general shifts that the Voice, its initial intended audience — lower Manhattan — and the nation experienced during a six-decade span beginning with the mid-1950s. Both well-known figures and others, undoubtedly not easily recognizable to readers of The Rag Blog, including the author of this piece, and the goings-on at the Voice enliven the 530 pages of Romano’s endearing but often critical tribute.

The first issue of the Village Voice, 12-pages long and selling for five cents an issue, was published by psychologist Ed Fancher, freelance writer Dan Wolf, and author Norman Mailer, all combat veterans, on October 26, 1955. Acclaimed for his WWII novel, The Naked and the Dead, Mailer desired that the Voice, which Fancher considered “a religious thing,” prove “outrageous” and afford “a little speed to that moral and sexual revolution which is yet to come upon us.” His introductory column informed the Voice’s audience, “I will become an (sic) habitual assassin-and-lover columnist who will have something superficial or vicious or inaccurate to say about many of the things under the sun, and who knows but what some of the night.” Regulars soon included Mailer, jazz critic Nat Hentoff, and cartoonist Jules Feiffer, while James Baldwin, E.E. Cummings, Allen Ginsberg, Henry Miller, Katherine Anne Porter, Ezra Pound, and Martin Luther King Jr., contributed to the paper.

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ALICE EMBREE | AUSTIN HISTORY | Save University Junior High

Portion of ‘Heart and Soul’ mural by Raul Valdez.

By Alice Embree | The Rag Blog | May 6, 2024

This article originally appeared in Alice Embree’s Substack.

AUSTIN — I attended University Junior High (UJH) as did my mother-in-law and my sister.  I was a ninth-grade student during a pivotal year in UJH history, 1959-60.  It was the year UJH desegregated.  I wasn’t an activist then, but I could sense that the times were changing.

Now the times may be changing again, as the historic structure and it’s landmark murals are threatened with demolition.

I feel fortunate to have maintained a friendship with one of the African American students who transferred to UJH.  It has allowed me a glimpse into what it was like from her perspective.  Saundra Kirk wrote this account:

Top-down integration reached my level in 1958, just in time for me and other transfer students from Kealing Junior High in East Austin to attend the 9th grade at University Junior High School. So, Vicky Kirk (as I was called then) along with friends, Sandra Anderson, James Means, Lois Lyons, and Clarence Holmes became token black students amidst a large student body of white and Hispanic children.

Our ninth-grade experience was pleasant and relatively uneventful, until toward the end of the school year, when our principal, Marshal Ashley, called the black students into his office for a quiet meeting. He told us that we were lucky because we would have a certain day off from school. But, we knew that was the day our other classmates would attend the long-anticipated senior picnic in Zilker Park. At that time, blacks were not welcome in Zilker Park, and Barton Springs was still not integrated. — Saundra Kirk

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JONAH RASKIN | STUDENT PROTEST | Columbia protests now and in 1968

Demonstration on University of Texas campus, April 27, 2024. Creative Commons image.

By Jonah Raskin | The Rag Blog | May 3, 2024

This article was originally published at CounterPunch and was cross-posted to The Rag Blog by the author.

The student protests on the campus of Columbia University this April have reminded me of the protests that took place there 56 years ago. Along with about  700 or so other men and women, I was arrested and jailed at the Tombs in Manhattan. Those arrests didn’t curtail student protests. Indeed, there were demonstrations later that year and again in 1969, 1970, 1971 and 1972. When push comes to shove, Columbia has called on the police again and again and the police have arrived in force and have made arrests.

The current president of Columbia, Minouche Shafik, an Egyptian-born American economist and a baroness, has surely not acted on her own impulses to establish what she might call “Law and Order.” Rather, she has surely followed the orders, the prayers and wishes of trustees, deep pockets, and alumni who have wanted to see demonstrators punished for exercising freedom of speech and for practicing old-fashioned American civil disobedience.

Robert Kraft, the New England Patriots CEO, and a major financial contributor to Columbia —and my classmate — recently said, “I am no longer confident that Columbia can protect its students and staff and I am not comfortable supporting the university until corrective action is taken.” He also said,  “I believe in free speech, say whatever you want, but pay the consequences.”  That doesn’t sound like free speech, not if it comes with a price tag. Back then, the protests were largely about Vietnam. Now, they’re largely about Gaza and Israel. The names have changed, but the underlying story is much the same. Shouldn’t students today have a significant role to play when and where it comes to university investment?

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MICHAEL MEEROPOL | REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS | First, they came for abortion, now they’ve come for in vitro fertilization

Alabama Supreme Court. Photo by Jeffrey Reed / Creative Commons

By Michael Meeropol | The Rag Blog | April 22, 2024

The following is an expanded version of a commentary delivered by Michael Meeropol, Professor Emeritus of Economics at Western New England University, over WAMC-FM on March 1, 2024. It has been adapted for The Rag Blog by the author.

Michael Meeropol will be Thorne Dreyer’s guest on Rag Radio at 2 p.m. Friday, April 26, 2024, on KPFT 91.7-FM in Austin and streamed at Post-broadcast, listen to the podcast of this show anytime, here.

By now it is hard to be outraged by the actions of Trump and his minions.  However, the decision by the Alabama Supreme Court which in effect shut down In Vitro Fertilization availability in that state was so shamelessly supportive of extreme right-wing Christian interpretations of the word of God it took my breath away.

But there is a silver lining.  That ruling has set off shock waves in the so-called Right to Life Movement because the MAGA extremist Chief Justice, Tom Parker, made explicit the “Christian Nationalist” ideas behind that decision:

Parker wrote:

Human life cannot be wrongfully destroyed without incurring the wrath of a holy God, who views the destruction of His image as an affront to Himself. [Alabama’s Sanctity of Life statute] recognizes that this is true of unborn human life no less than it is of all other human life–that even before birth, all human beings bear the image of God, and their lives cannot be destroyed without effacing his glory.[i]

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LAMAR HANKINS | POLICE AUDITORS | How police deny us our rights:  A view from YouTube

Photojournalist told to stop shooting a Miami police action, refused, and was forcefully arrested. Photo by Thomas Hawk / Flickr / Creative Commons.

By Lamar Hankins | The Rag Blog | March 20, 2023

In 40 years as an attorney, I have encountered the police in many contexts.  I have received three warnings and two tickets for speeding or car malfunctions; I have worked with police as a city attorney, including in municipal court; I have prosecuted disciplinary actions against individual officers on behalf of their Police Chief; I have advised officers who were under threat from a federal prosecutor; I have defended officers who were being fired; I have cross-examined officers who arrested my civilian clients; I have looked at a large number of driving under the influence videos recorded by police cameras; I have challenged individual officers who perjured themselves in testimony before courts; I have read reports from all over the country about police abuse. 

But while I have been aware since I was young that police often deny us our constitutional rights, I never observed them as they did so (except for those cases that made national news) until I discovered recently a category of videos on YouTube, where police officers (and I am using this term to mean all members of law enforcement) can be seen doing their jobs in real time.  

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IVAN KOOP KUPER | NOSTALGIA | The Summer of ’72: A look back after more than 50 years.

Coming of age in Houston, Texas, with The Rolling Stones

Photo by John M. Lomax (John Lomax III), first published in underground newspaper Space City!, June 29, 1972, and later in the book Exploring Space City! published by the New Journalism Project in 2021.

By Ivan Koop Kuper | The Rag Blog | January 26, 2024

There was a feeling of excitement throughout the city of Houston and specifically in the neighborhood of Montrose in the summer of 1972. Something was in the air and you could just feel it. The seminal rock and roll band, the Rolling Stones, were coming to town to promote the release of their new double-sided album, Exile on Main Street, and everyone in my circle of friends just knew that this concert was going to be the cultural event of the season.

In the summer of ‘72, whenever it suited me, I could be found swimming and lounging at what was then referred to as the “Montrose Country Club.” In reality this was the outdoor swimming pool on the campus of the neighborhood liberal arts college, The University of St. Thomas. It was a social gathering hot spot easily accessible not only to St. Thomas students, but also to the local bohemian citizenry who resided in the surrounding area. The pool was the ideal spot to take a respite from the brutally hot Houston summers that never seemed to relent until well past Halloween.

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