Larry Piltz :
VERSE | The Wrens of Consciousness

Wrens, male and female. Illustration by John Gerrard Keulemans, 1888 / Wikimedia Commons.

The Wrens of Consciousness

Fittingly and unfailingly

in flits and a flash

tiny and so brash

flirting with bright dusk

still time enough to busk

a spring wren couple

fly in and out and to

wisp branch tips

and alight each stop anew

on their silhouette trips

from one tree to another

one rising over the other

browsing to nourish

excited to flourish

in wing-lifted dashes

avoiding deft crashes

one following the other

a sister with her brother

and a nest to tend

at day’s logical end

their own place to stay

in their tidy wren way

tiny against the sky

a shining love they try

Larry Piltz
May 22, 2020
Indian Cove/Wren Hollow

[Larry Piltz is an Austin-based writer, poet, and musician.]

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3 Responses to Larry Piltz :
VERSE | The Wrens of Consciousness

  1. Anonymous says:

    The simple observation of a detail in the natural world is a worthy activity during these troubling times. Thanks to Larry Piltz for submitting this to Rag Blog, and to the editor for publishing it for all of us to read and enjoy.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Larry, thanks. You help us hit the pause button on politics, focusing on nature. I like watching how my cucumber plant sends tendrils out to climb a trellis.

    • Anonymous says:

      Tendrils on a trellis. Your three words embrace life in motion, singling out the particular, evoking all of creation. Nice!!

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