had a telepathic moment with my best gal Mir a couple days ago where
she came up beside me as I knelt on the floor hand-vacuuming her
sleeping pad and I looked to my right and there was her beautiful face
six inches from mine with her smile beaming and even moreso in her eyes
looking at me, and in a deep soul-stirring earth-moving kind of moment
aha I realized my fresh-born puppy was now not only as old as would be
my great-grandmother but that she now embodies and personifies the
wisdom and compassion and trust, and intimacy, that can only be
acquired through a lifetime of closeness and challenges, of adventures
and lazy sleepy afternoons, of scary threatening moments and
exhilarating play, through the death of loved ones and thrill of new
friends, and that she was with awareness and with her presence making
all those things available to me, all of her lifetime of devotion and
experience, in the form of love, love for life and love for her dear
friend and loyal pack member, and that if I would see her this way,
realize her uniqueness, my own uniqueness, and that of our partnership,
and understand life this way – that life is conscious and casual and
cosmic and earthy all at the same time, and infinitely deep with the
joys of the moment, and that we have all this time given to us and that
we deserve to see it and feel it fully as it exists and not in some
stereotyped conception of pet or owner or number of legs or color, or
season or fortune, that there is just now, only now, as we are – well,
just try it, she seemed to say just by being here, being here with me.
my sweet sixteen
Larry Piltz
(for Star)
April 23, 2008
Indian Cove / Austin, Texas
The Rag Blog / Posted May 10, 2008
That was Mir-aculous … thank you