Bob Jones University Says ‘No’ to Racism, Abercrombie & Fitch

Students at Bob Jones University becoming smart at the Bob Jones University Library, reading books by Bob Jones. Photo by Francis Miller / Life Magazine / 1948.

‘Finally, BJ University has issued a half-hearted apology for their racist past. They blame their own disgustingly well documented racism on a social “ethos”…’

By Larry Ray / The Rag Blog / December 9, 2008

World religions, right down to localized fundamental religious schools like Bob Jones University in South Carolina, follow what they call the “local ethos” to justify dogmatic religious statements and teachings. Damning faith-based broadsides like the ones from BJ University are always also attributed to some biblical scriptural quote.

But now, finally, BJ University has issued a half-hearted apology for their racist past. They blame their own disgustingly well documented racism on a social “ethos” rather than simply having done the right thing from the beginning. At least it is an admission that what liberals of the day were telling them 30 years ago was, and still is, correct.

Bob Jones U. apologizes for racial past

GREENVILLE, S.C.– Bob Jones University, a fundamentalist Christian school in South Carolina, has apologized for its “racially hurtful” past policies.

In a statement posted on its Web site, the university blamed its policies on the “segregationist ethos” of the United States.

“Consequently, for far too long, we allowed institutional policies regarding race to be shaped more directly by that ethos than by the principles and precepts of the Scriptures,” the statement said. “We conformed to the culture rather than provide a clear Christian counterpoint to it.”

Bob Jones, founded in 1927 by evangelist Bob Jones Sr., did not admit black students until 1971 and did not admit unmarried blacks until 1975.

Interracial dating and marriage was banned until 2000, a policy the administration justified based on a commandment given Moses against the mixing of unlike things. That became an issue during the presidential campaign when George W. Bush spoke on the campus.

Source / UPI / Nov. 21, 2008

And to further understand BJU: The clothes make the man.

BJU bases its dress codes for men and women on the application of the principles of modesty, gender distinction, appropriateness and distinction from the world. ….

Brand Restrictions. Abercrombie & Fitch and its subsidiary Hollister have shown an unusual degree of antagonism to the name of Christ and an unusual display of wickedness in their promotions. In protest, articles displaying their logos are not acceptable to be worn, carried, or displayed (even if covered or masked in some way).

Go here for a dark chuckle.

See much difference in BJU and a strict Islamic Madrassa? Read this student expectation extract:

“Students are challenged to develop Christlikeness that is evidenced in consistent Christian character. To help each student to grow in Christlikeness, BJU has a reasonable, just, and firm disciplinary system.

Loyalty to Christ results in separated living. Dishonesty, lewdness, sensual behavior, adultery, homosexuality, sexual perversion of any kind, pornography, illegal use of drugs, and drunkenness all are clearly condemned by God’s Word and prohibited here. Further, we believe that biblical principles preclude gambling, dancing, and the beverage use of alcohol.

Dating and Mixed Groups

We want students to have wholesome social opportunities in a setting that provides accountability for biblical requirements of purity. It is with this in mind that we chaperon campus activities where men and women students are present and require a chaperon when students date or interact in a mixed group off campus.”

And to think, some of us went to UT in Austin when we could have been socially neutered and made brain dead in South Carolina!

The Rag Blog

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4 Responses to Bob Jones University Says ‘No’ to Racism, Abercrombie & Fitch

  1. werewolfmike says:

    I don’t think they are accredited. At least, when I left the school in 1992, the school’s policy was dead set against becoming accredited because they believed the guv’ment would then be able to dictate their curriculum.

  2. werewolfmike says:

    So, once again BJU is contradicting itself. They say their racist practices are the result of following a social “ethos”, but then, “Interracial dating and marriage was banned until 2000, a policy the administration justified based on a commandment given Moses against the mixing of unlike things.” How is basing racism on a scriptural passage equated with adhering to a “social ethos”? I sure wish I’d stolen the “student handbook” when I had the chance. That thing was the weirdest thing I’ve ever read. The girl’s handbook was even more bizarre. They couldn’t wear pants (even sweat pants) outside of their rooms for fear of offending another girl by wearing the “clothing of a man”. Meanwhile, in the men’s dorms (at least, 2nd and 3rd floors) all a guy was required to wear, and I quote the then Dean of Men here, was “a pair of shower sandals and a smile [heh heh]”. And yes, he did the Beavis and Butthead laugh along with it.

  3. werewolfmike says:

    Hold on a minute…is that a real BJU photograph? If so, the man wearing a hat would get a demerit for wearing his hat indoors, and for NOT wearing a tie. tut tut.

    Gee, can ya tell I hate that school?

  4. Mark says:

    Wait a minute, didn’t Moses marry a woman of a different ethnicity?
    How on earth could they use Moses teaching to argue against interracial dating/marrying when Moses himself did it?

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