Search Results for: michael james

Justifying Afghanistan: Obama’s Got It Wrong

President Obama announces a new comprehensive strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan Friday. Behind him, from left, are policy advisor Bruce Riedel, Joint Chiefs Chairman Adm. Michael Mullen, National Security Advisor James Jones, and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. AP … Continue reading

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The Last Slow Dance : Texas’ Angry Prophet of Climate Change

Illustration by Chuck Kerr / San Antonio Current. Climate-changing events are happening on a much larger scale, and much sooner, than we had earlier thought possible. By The Rag Blog / March 31, 2009 See ‘Last chance for a slow … Continue reading

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The Problem Is That the Democrats Will Implicate Themselves If There Are Prosecutions for Torture

“I Was Only Following Orders!” Being serious about torture. Or not.By William Blum / March 5, 2009 In Cambodia they’re once again endeavoring to hold trials to bring some former senior Khmer Rouge officials to justice for their 1975-79 war … Continue reading

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‘America’s Toughest Sheriff’ : Arizona’s Joe Arpaio Finally Called to Account

Maricopa County Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio: such a lovely fellow. Dennis Gilman /Adolfo Maldonado / Phoenix New Times.‘It is high time that somebody on the national scene notice, and the Federal government take action on, the egregious and violative conduct … Continue reading

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Greenwald: The Socioeconomic and Racial Inequities in Our Justice System

The definition of a “two-tiered justice system”By Glenn Greenwald / January 28, 2009 Aside from the intrinsic dangers and injustices of arguing for immunity for high-level government officials who commit felonies (such as illegal eavesdropping, obstruction of justice, torture and … Continue reading

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Latin America’s Leftward Electoral Paradigm Shift

Leaders of Latin American nations. Photo: AP.Dirty Business, Dirty Wars: U.S.-Latin American Relations in the 21st CenturyBy Cyril Mychalejko / 27 January 2009 Much is being made across the political spectrum in the United States about Washington’s waning influence in … Continue reading

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Fixing the Economy : A Comprehensive Plan from Progressive Economists

We deny that there is any conflict between the need to get the economy moving again by creating jobs, and the long term goals of green technologies, national health insurance, and a fairer distribution of income. In fact, higher wages … Continue reading

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Frank Cieciorka’s Self-Inscribed Eulogy

Frank CieciorkaIn Memoriam: Frank CieciorkaBy Bruce Anderson / December 3, 2008 Frank Cieciorka died [at the end of November 2008] at his home in Alderpoint, Southern Humboldt County. A modest, soft-spoken man whose passing will sadden everyone who knew him, … Continue reading

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Books / Ann Coulter’s ‘Guilty’ : Offensive as Charged

Coulter: ‘Liberals’ hysterical obsession with the “Republican Attack Machine” turns Democratic primaries into a contest of: “Who’s the Biggest Pussy?”‘By Greg Lewis / January 4, 2009 As Media Matters for America has noted, author and syndicated columnist Ann Coulter recently … Continue reading

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Obama’s ‘Black Widow’ : The Super Spy Computer

‘The NSA’s colossal Cray supercomputer, code-named the ‘Black Widow,’ scans millions of domestic and international phone calls and e-mails every hour. . . . The Black Widow, performing hundreds of trillions of calculations per second, searches through and reassembles key … Continue reading

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Herdshares, Melamine and the Crazed Priorites of the ‘Regulators’

I wonder what sort of regulatory model we have arrived at that finds it commendable to break up small groups of people wanting to raise and consume a natural product with no harmful properties and yet ignores a massive, fraudulent, … Continue reading

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Battle for Stimulus Bucks : Green Jobs Vs. ‘Shovel Ready’

The debate has centered on two competing principles: the desire to spend money on what President-elect Barack Obama calls “shovel-ready projects,” such as highway and bridge construction, vs. spending on more environmentally conscious projects, such as grids for wind and … Continue reading

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