Search Results for: michael james

Another Story of Police State Amerikkka: Plans for Economic Unrest

For cryin’ out loud, read what these clowns are planning. They are scared to death of their constituencies. And THAT scares me to death. First they trash the system, then they effectively scapegoat us for it having happened. What a … Continue reading

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Iraq: A War Crime of Immense Proportions: The (Non-)Reconstruction Saga

Unbelievable: trash the nation, murdering thousands and thousands of innocent civilians, allowing the looting of invaluable artifacts, allowing ethnic cleansing to occur unabated, allowing the country to sink to Third World status, allowing basic services to vanish, allowing corrupt officials … Continue reading

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Politics Is What We Create by What We Do, What We Hope For, and What We Dare to Imagine

We Will Not Jump ShipBy Sheila Samples / November 29, 2008 Thou, too, sail on, O Ship of State!Sail on, O Union, strong and great!Humanity with all its fears,With all the hopes of future years,Is hanging breathless on thy fate!~~Henry … Continue reading

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Promoting Diplomacy with Iran

The Rag Blog has long advocated diplomacy over aggression with respect to relations with Iran. More than a year ago, we posted about the Iran Pledge of Resistance. We maintain a link to the pledge in our sidebar. The Rag … Continue reading

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Hunger: Not Just an Overseas Problem

50 Percent More US Kids Hungry in 2007By Michael J. Sniffen / November 17, 2008 WASHINGTON – Some 691,000 children went hungry in America sometime in 2007, while close to one in eight Americans struggled to feed themselves adequately even … Continue reading

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The TSA and Airport Security: A Dismal Failure

The Things He CarriedBy Jeffrey Goldberg / November 2008 Airport security in America is a sham—“security theater” designed to make travelers feel better and catch stupid terrorists. Smart ones can get through security with fake boarding passes and all manner … Continue reading

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Ernest McMillan and Stoney Burns : Dallas 60s Activists Revisited

The Rag Blog was inspired by an underground newspaper we published in the 1960s in Austin. We called it The Rag. When Carol Neiman and I were editing The Rag — and many more whose bylines you see here from … Continue reading

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Canary in the Mineshaft : Cautionary Tales of Suicide, Bigotry

Was this house worth dying for?In this July 23, 2008 file photo, the Taunton, Mass. house This was the home of Carlene Balderrama, 53, who fatally shot herself soon after faxing a letter to her mortgage company July 22, saying … Continue reading

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Animals Seek Higher Elevations Fleeing the Heat

Scientist went to sites, including Mono Lake (pictured here), examined decades ago by Joseph Grinnell, to look at effects of climate change. Photo: Michael Macor/The Chronicle.Climate change forcing animals to move upDavid Perlman / October 10, 2008 SAN FRANCISCO — … Continue reading

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Using Depression-Era Tactics for Survival

Weathering the Coming Crisis, Part IIBy Diane Stirling-Stevens / The Rag Blog / October 3, 2008 A week or so ago, I wrote up some of the things we’re doing to minimize problems in our lives, with this bail-out and … Continue reading

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Republican Election Tampering? No Way!

Republican consultant Michael L. Connell is refusing to testify or produce documents related to alleged 2004 election tampering.Republican IT consultant subpoenaed about 2004 election hanky pankyBy Larisa Alexandrovna and Muriel Kane / September 29, 2008 COLUMBUS — A high-level Republican … Continue reading

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Times are Hard and Tent Cities Are on the Rise

Mack Martinez, 19, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, smokes in front of his tent at the tent city that sprung up next to the homeless shelter in downtown Reno, Nev., Wednesday, June 25, 2008. Photo by Scott Sady / AP.‘From Seattle … Continue reading

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