Search Results for: michael james

Hillary Clinton and Her Secretive Religious "Fellowship"

Illustration by Andy Friedman / Mother Jones Hillary’s Nasty Pastorateby Barbara Ehrenreich / The Nation / March 19, 2008 There’s a reason Hillary Clinton has remained relatively silent during the flap over intemperate remarks by Barack Obama’s former pastor, Jeremiah … Continue reading

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Fighting Sharks in Cleveland

Activists Bare Teeth Over ForeclosuresBy Adam Geller / March 1, 2008 Folks on Humphrey Hill Drive were still waking up on the icy Saturday morning the shark hunters came to town. They rounded the suburban traffic circle in a pair … Continue reading

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March 19th – Day of Action Against Corruption and War

Dissent of the Governed: How Sick of It Are You?By MIKE FERNER We have screamed at the heavens and cried bitter tears. We’ve marched and picketed and gone to jail. And we are sick. Sick of the corruption–sick of the … Continue reading

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George W. Bush: Defined by Abject Failure

Of course, the details of BushCo infighting and rivalry in the lead-up to and aftermath of invasion are now very old news indeed. Why bother secreting another report of the abject failure of this puny creep in the Whitehouse? I … Continue reading

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The US Habit of Creating Wave After Wave of Misery

Who will stand up with the courage to demand that all those in the Bush administration face their crimes at the International Court? Who will demand justice? Tomgram: Michael Schwartz, The Iraqi Brain Drain I’m an innumerate, but the figures … Continue reading

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BushCo Continues to Fortify "Police State Amerikkka"

Is Michael Mukasey Prioritizing the Harassment and Imprisonment of Journalists?by Glenn Greenwald Ever since the President’s illegal warrantless eavesdropping program was revealed by the New York Times‘ Jim Risen and Eric Lichtblau back in December, 2005, there has been a … Continue reading

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And If You Think You Live in a Great Country

We think you’re confused. Don’t Even Think About It: Enter The Thought Policeby James Ridgeway and Jean Casella Perhaps no campaign tactic is more effective than fearmongering, and in the current presidential race the sum of all fears, once again, … Continue reading

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Theory of Social Change As Elitist As It Is Inaccurate

Lets not try to rewrite history. LBJ was both a war criminal and a moral midget compared to Martin Luther King, who had the courage to oppose his war. LBJ killed over a million innocent children with this undeclared imperialist … Continue reading

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Terrorism Is Anything I Choose to Target

There Is No “War on Terror”By Edward S. Herman and David Peterson 20/01/08 “ZNet” — — One of the most telling signs of the political naiveté of liberals and the Left in the United States has been their steadfast faith … Continue reading

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Analysing Chomskian Politics

Chomsky debate: repression and manufacturing consentBy Ron Ridenour, Axis of Logic ColumnistJan 16, 2008, 15:12 Noam Chomsky is a steadfast effective critic of United States imperial foreign policy and the corporate global empire, and is probably the most influential single … Continue reading

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Kevlar Kampus – Targeting Dissent

Repress U: How to Build a Homeland Security Campus in Seven StepsBy Michael Gould-Wartofsky Free speech zones. Taser guns. Hidden cameras. Data mining. A new security curriculum. Private security contractors… Welcome to the new homeland security campus From Harvard to … Continue reading

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Two Governors for the Price of One

Going Old South on Obama: Ma and Pa Clinton Flog Uppity Black ManBy ISHMAEL REED During Bill Clinton’s first run for President, I appeared on a New York radio panel with some of his black supporters, including Paul Robeson, Jr., … Continue reading

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