Search Results for: michael james

Jay D. Jurie : A Free School for the 21st Century

The Professor, his own self. Graphic treatment by James Retherford / The Rag Blog.A free school for the 21st century:The Online University of the Left The OUL is dedicated to ‘changing our thinking, changing opinion, changing the world.’ By Jay … Continue reading

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Robert Jensen : Why We Won and How We Are Losing

Going, going… Image from Earthweek.From start to finish:Why we won and how we are losing A review essay on human origins and contemporary crises. By Robert Jensen | The Rag Blog | September 27, 2012 James Howard Kunstler, Too Much … Continue reading

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Hadley Suter : The Maternal Instinct Vs. the Realities of Unwaged Labor

Graphic from The Motherhood Manifesto.The maternal instinct versusthe realities of unwaged labor I’ve been worried sick over the past nine months that I’m about to turn into a mommy-slave — and like it. By Hadley Suter | The Rag Blog … Continue reading

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Ed Felien : Batman and the Culture of Violence

Batman image from Batman: The Amimated Series / Wikimedia Commons.Batman, The Joker, Nazisand the culture of violence in America Plato recognized the subversive value of art. He knew that art didn’t just hold a mirror up to society and reflect … Continue reading

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Roger Baker : Converging Global Crises and Why We Deny Them / 2

An unraveling earth. Graphic from Sound of Cannons.Converging global crisesand why we deny them  / 2 If the total human impact on nature is approaching a natural limit, we face difficult choices. By Roger Baker | The Rag Blog | … Continue reading

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The Rag Blog : Peace and Justice Activist Tom Hayden in Austin

Progressive activist and New Left pioneer:Tom Hayden in Austin Saturday The Rag Blog and Rag Radio are presenting progressive activist and New Left icon Tom Hayden at the 5604 Manor Community Center, 5604 Manor Rd. in Austin, on Saturday, August … Continue reading

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Jay D. Jurie : Gotham and the Real World

Aurora, Colorado:Gotham and the real world Particularly when the economy is in decline and the political environment is in disarray, these suburbs lend themselves to what Thoreau called ‘lives of quiet desperation.’ By Jay D. Jurie | The Rag Blog … Continue reading

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Roger Baker : Oil Addiction Generates Denial

Political cartoon from the LA Progressive.Oil addiction generates denial The major sin of the big oil companies was to get their customers addicted, to set up lobbies to keep them addicted, and to deny the looming shortage problem, including the … Continue reading

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FILM / Alan Waldman : A Look Back at My Favorite Films

James Gandolfini in the British film, In the Loop.From 2003 to 2010:Looking back at my favorite films By Alan Waldman / The Rag Blog / January 18, 2012 [Last week we posted Alan Waldman’s 10 Favorite Films of 2011, with … Continue reading

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Jack A. Smith : The U.S. and Irreversible Climate Change

Cartoon from Saida Online.With U.S. leading the way:Irreversible climate change looms By Jack A. Smith | The Rag Blog | November 29, 2011 The Obama Administration has largely remained passive about the critical imperative to reduce greenhouse gases to limit … Continue reading

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1. IRREVERSIBLE CLIMATE CHANGE LOOMS By Jack A. Smith / The Rag Blog / November 29, 2011 The Obama Administration has largely remained passive about the critical imperative to reduce greenhouse gases to limit catastrophic global warming. Washington continues to … Continue reading

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1. IRREVERSIBLE CLIMATE CHANGE LOOMS By Jack A. Smith / The Rag Blog / November 29, 2011 The Obama Administration has largely remained passive about the critical imperative to reduce greenhouse gases to limit catastrophic global warming. Washington continues to … Continue reading

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