Search Results for: michael james

Mary Tuma : When One Man Owns Too Much

Hacking Rupert. Political cartoon by Pat Bagley / The Cagle Post.The News Corp. scandal:A case against media consolidation What happens when one man owns too much? By Mary Tuma / The Rag Blog / July 21, 2011 Before a UK … Continue reading

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BOOKS / Rick Ayers : Marable’s Malcolm Bio Hits and Misses

Malcolm X in 1964. Photo by Marion S. Trikosko for U.S. News & World Report / Wikimedia Commons.Malcolm X and the right of resistance:Dr. Marable’s book fills in gapsbut misses on Malcolm’s core vision By Rick Ayers / The Rag … Continue reading

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Alice Walker : Why I’m Joining the Freedom Flotilla to Gaza

Poet and Pulitizer Prize-winning novelist Alice Walker in Gaza City in 2009. Photo from AP / The Guardian (U.K.).Why I’m joining the Freedom Flotilla to Gaza Pulitzer prize-winning American writer Alice Walker is on board an international flotilla of boats … Continue reading

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Joshua Holland : Governor ‘Goodhair’ and the ‘Texas Miracle’

Texas Gov. Rick Perry: Praying for a miracle.Texas is a basket case:Right-wing governance in action Conservatives claim the ‘Texas Miracle’ is a model for the nation, but it’s actually a blueprint for winning the race to the bottom. By Joshua … Continue reading

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Chellis Glendinning : The Way We Were

On Memorial Day, May 30, 1969, 30,000 students and Berkeley citizens marched past barricaded People’s Park to protest events of recent days, including the death of James Rector, the blinding of Alan Blanchard, and the many injuries inflicted by police. … Continue reading

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Sherman DeBrosse : The Historical Fiction of ‘Conservative Constitutionalism’

Photo by Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images.Historical fiction:Understanding ‘Conservative Constitutionalism’ The Tea Bag wing of the Republican Party has a constitutional philosophy that essentially spits in the face of decades of settled law. By Sherman DeBrosse / The Rag Blog … Continue reading

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BOOKS / Danny Schechter : Villains Galore! A Bankster Dozen

Bankster graphic from ANU News.Villains galore!Good holiday reads aboutthe great economic crisis By Danny Schechter / The Rag Blog / December 4, 2010 Back in 2007, just as the markets began their meltdown, I started writing a book I called … Continue reading

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Eric W. Dolan : Rick Perry Says Social Security is ‘Ponzi Scheme’

Texas Gov. Rick Perry. Photo from AP.Texas Gov. Rick Perry: Let states opt out of Social Security Eric W. Dolan / November 7, 2010 See “Yo, America. It’s Texas. We’ve got another one for ya!” by James Moore, Below. Appearing … Continue reading

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David Bacon : California’s Perfect Storm

Students and teachers march in Oakland, California,to protest the termination of adult education programs. Photo by David Bacon.Fighting to save public education:California’s perfect storm Across California, new alliances of teachers, students, state workers, communities of color, and working-class communities in … Continue reading

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SPORT / Dave Zirin : Why the NFL is Thinking Pink

In the pink: Brett Favre. Image from Full Issue.Brett Favre beware:The NFL is thinking pink By Dave Zirin / October 13, 2010 You may have noticed an abundance of pink on the fields of the National Football League this month. … Continue reading

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BOOKS / Dick J. Reavis : Bruce Watson’s ‘Freedom Summer: The Savage Season…’

But his take is a bit romantic…Bruce Watson’s Freedom Summer a page turner By Dick J. Reavis / The Rag Blog / July 16, 2010 [Freedom Summer: The Savage Season That Made Mississippi Burn and Made America a Democracy, by … Continue reading

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Climate Change : Ten Times Faster than Predicted

Image from Greenpeace / UK.Climate change:Worse than the worst case scenarioBy Bruce Melton / The Rag Blog / June 16, 2010 It takes 196,000 pounds of plants to produce a gallon of gasoline. It takes 40 acres of plants, roots, … Continue reading

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