The lies and scare tactics just keep getting bigger and bigger.
By Randy H. / The Rag Blog / September 25, 2008
There aren’t many left in the inventory, Mr. Bush.
Hurry! There are only four months left to go!
* They attacked on our sovereign soil! (Yep, all 19 of them. Sound like Tonkin Gulf, anyone?)
* They have weapons of mass destruction! (Just where, I don’t know yet. But I’ll find ’em!)
* We must be allowed to spy on our citizens to protect our country!
*I must be allowed to send our troops to war to protect our nation!
* That’s too many troops, General Shinseki. (By the way, you’re fired!)
* We’ll incarcerate those terrorist cab drivers indefinitely, off our soil, at Gitmo!
* “What do you mean by ‘Waterboarding’, Senator?”
* “Islamofascism” is the enemy!
* They’re in the “final throws” of the insurgency!
* If you are against the war, you are not a patriot!
* “Mission accomplished!” (Ahem. Well, sort of …)
* We must allocate billions in annual, off-budget supplementals to support our troops!
* “Deficits don’t matter.”
* “You’re doing a heck of a job, Brownie!”
* We may be attacked with bioterrorism! (Anthrax and smallpox are at our doorstep!)
* Iran is developing ‘nukeer’ weapons. We may need to act soon!
* We may see the re-emergence of the Cold War!
* If a Democrat is elected, we may see new terrorist attacks and destruction.
* Our economy might collapse! There’s risk of a global financial meltdown!
Who, me? A skeptic?
What’s next, Mr. Bush? . . . Scare us into believing World War III is imminent?
I’m buying Stick-and-Stone financial futures contracts. Einstein was right.
that’s “throes,” not “throws.”
Correction accepted. Those darn speel checurs, ya know.
The graphic & the post enlightened me and lightened my day. Perhaps "Anonymous #1" could use a new hobby? Just checking blogs for spelling errors seems an unproductive way to spend one's time. Be more interesting to read an actual response.