Coming your way: a no-holes-barred porn spoof based on Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin. Doncha know?
By James Retherford / The Rag Blog / October 6, 2008
Eschewing Playboy’s airbrushed aesthetic, Hustler sleazemeister Larry Flynt is a purveyor of blue-collar pornography — wrinkles, pockmarks, pimples, and all. He likes to call it “populist porn,” and his viewpoint is supported by the $400 million empire this 66-year-old high school dropout has built from the dirt up in the past 40 years.
Uncowered by the Sacred Cows of rightwing America, free-speech activist and frequent defendant Larry Flynt also has had a healthy contempt for hypocrisy, moral crusaders, and Supreme Court justices — in 1983 he disrupted a high court hearing to call the justices “eight assholes and a token cunt.”
In 1978 one such “crusader” for “white” moral values fired a bullet that left Flynt paralyzed from the waist down. Thus unable to participate in the kind of sex sanctioned by the Christian right, Flynt has become what one might call a hands-on voyeur. He seems to take great personal pleasure in conjuring up ways to defile the core values of moral absolutism and then sitting back in his wheelchair to get off on the ensuing orgy of outrage.
Flynt’s new yet-to-be-released no-holes-barred porn spoof based on Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin, provisionally entitled Nailin’ Paylin, may mark a new low — in Flynt’s value system, this is not a negative remark! — in the pornmaster’s long and unrepentant career. Finding a Sarah Palin look-alike actress through Craig’s List and throwing together a “quicky” flick in 10 days, Flynt-owned Hustler Video states in a press release that it “is eager to fulfill those sexual fantasies about this now-famous MILF and is putting Nailin’ Paylin on a fast track to hit streets in time for the election.”
Candidate Palin, a buxom former cheerleader AND beauty queen — these probably are the two most visited subjects in contemporary American pornography — with a “questionable” moral background (do the math on her marriage date and daughter’s birth date) and an unquestioning morally self-righteous stump speech, provides a veritable “vessel” to be filled by someone with Flynt’s taste for savaging moral hypocrites and their “sins of the flesh.”
Coming at the very time when voters, especially red-blooded beer-drinking American male voters (Joe Six-Pack), are wondering — and/or fantasizing — about this hot new political figure, Flynt has pushed his wheelchair into the center of the arena to offer up a revealing and penetrating version of the Palin story —also featuring, according to the Hustler Video press release, a bi-racial lesbian “threeway” with Hils and Condi, some backdoor action with the Russians, and ongoing sexual commentary by “Bill O’Reilly.”
Unanswered questions:
1. Will Flynt’s parody come closer to the real truth about the GOP veep candidate than the lipgloss coming from the Repugs’ erstwhile team of fiction writers?
2. Will Nailin’ Paylin compel fantasy-fueled male blue-collar voters to jerk their levers for McCain-Palin on November 4?
3. Will Larry Flynt sweep up a handful of Golden Dildos at the next AVN Adult Movie Awards Show?
4. What will the real Sarah say when she sees the film?
Gosh darn!
Pornmeister Larry Flynt. Photo by EPA.
Sarah Palin Biopic Details Announced
By Alex Balk / October 3, 2008So that Hustler skin flick starring a “Sarah Palin lookalike?” The company sent out a press page with more details about it. You can read the first scene from the script here, (which is 100 percent genuine and not in any way made up even though it appears to be an obvious parody and contains enough elements of satire in it that even the densest of observers would logically assume that it was a fantastical creation.)
It’s called Nailin’ Paylin. It stars a sexy MILF! Bill O’Reilly is also spoofed in it. You can read the full release (hahaha, get it?) below. This looks like it’s going to be the best vice president-themed porn this year. It’s certainly gonna be way better than Vivid’s forthcoming Ridin’ Biden, the screenplay of which is a complete plagiarization of British video nasty Kinnock Thin Cock. Anyways:
Hustler Video Strikes Again With Palin Parody
BEVERLY HILLS — Once again when it comes to sex and politics, HUSTLER continues to be at the top of the game! Hustler Video could not resist the urge to spoof the MILF-tastic Alaska governor and Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin. Let’s face it: Who wouldn’t want to see that sexy hockey mom taking it all off?!
Nailin’ Paylin, currently in pre-production, is being directed by Jerry T. Sexy MILF Lisa Ann will be playing the role of Sara Paylin. Nailin’ Paylin will feature five hard-core scenes, including a threeway with other parodied political figures, namely Hillary Clinton and Condoleezza Rice. Bill O’Reilly will also be spoofed as the announcer who dishes the sex scandals that will take place during the film.
Nailin’ Paylin will take the viewer on a naughty adventure to the wild side of that sexy Alaska governor. Sara Paylin will not only be showing us some girl-on-girl lovin’ but will also be nailing the Russians, who come knocking on her back-door (wink, wink) and in a flashback “young” Paylin’s creationist college professor will explain a “big bang” theory even she can’t deny!
Hustler Video is eager to fulfill those sexual fantasies of this now-famous MILF and is putting Nailin’ Paylin on a fast track to hit streets in time for the election!
Source / Radar / Oct. 3, 2008
Anything for a $.
What has Palin done that this is warranted? She is a fundamentalist Xtian and this product will only emphasize in her mind how the devil works to destroy human souls.
I was sorry to see this juvenile piece about Flynt on the blog. One can reject the politics of Sarah Palin without endorsing the sexual-exploitation industries. Flynt makes a living buying and selling women’s bodies, which is hard to square with any meaningful conception of populism or progressive politics. It’s hard to imagine how calling a female Supreme Court justice a “cunt” is consistent with any decent politics.
Robert Jensen
Easy to see how Flynt advances his own agenda and amuses like-minded folk. Harder to see how this effort could advance social justice, economic or political reform. Seems more likely to fuel conservative rhetoric about the inherent dangers in liberal philosophy. Pass…
Earlier today in the supermarket check-out line, I saw a headline on one of this week’s tabloids; not sure if it is the Enquirer (late of John Edwards’ infidelity exposure fame) or another, but the gist of it involves Palin’s alleged affair with some fellow she allegedly said she loves. Maybe it’s her hairstylist; that would be a typical tabloid pay-off, but if could also be breaking news.
Point is, I’m glad to see the story about the Hustler spoof on the blog. I DON’T WANT to ONLY see stories that “advance social justice, economic or political reform”, or are “consistent with decent politics”; I want to see what’s going on in the trenches of the culture war this election is all about.
You know, Larry Flynt, for all his naughty “sexpolitativeness”, is a staunch champion of the First Amendment, and a martyr to it in some respects. Speaking just for myself, I would prefer to be called a “cunt” than to return to the 1950s, when many grown women who might have accidentally heard that word would have no idea to what it referred! In the 1960s and 70s, strange to recall, women had to read a book (“Our Bodies, Ourselves”) and use a mirror to learn about the different parts of their reproductive apparatus; this is not a situation to be envied.
As for the schock-jock aspect of the planned porn spoof of Palin, I recall The Realist where Paul Krassner showed LBJ fucking JFK’s fatal neck wound aboard Air Force One. It was shocking — it was disgusting — it was scandalous — and it was an unforgettable indictment. I’m willing to give Flynt’s freedom of speech a lot more credence than Palin’s sanitized (airbrushed) “charisma”.
Finally, The Rag was founded on Free Speech principles, clearly and explicitly including erotic speech, and I believe TRB should report on activity anywhere along the frontiers of freedom.
who the hell is playing condaleeza rice.
I find myself in agreement with both the views of Robert Jensen AND Mariann Vizard.
Larry Flynt is a tasteless and insufferable human purveyor of lowbrow secular humanist sacrilege.
Yet, nay to censorship on Rag Blog even if appears to serve the interests of progressivism. Jesus, even my own missives in support of HRC were deemed censorable.
There must/will be no defense of cunts on on this blogsite!
I don’t consider “cunt” the most reprehensible word in the English language, either, as I read this week in “Sacred Pleasure.”
Mariann can refer to me as that, and I her, as ironically and affectionately as black people call one another nigger. But guys damn sure don’t get to!
Imagine how off kilter it would be for a black person to have to employ a mirror to figure out what a nigger is.
Hmm. Not sure why JR posted this on Facebook just now, but I hadn’t seen it before and was curious. Interesting that out of all the comments, nobody mentioned what is to me the most “off” (if not quite stretched out to “off-ensive”) aspect of the piece… which is to characterize Larry Flynt’s brand of sexploitation as “blue collar.” Bespeaks a certain perhaps unconscious elitism… Playboy is “white collar” and Hustler is “blue collar”? People who shower after work are inherently sleazier and less discriminating than those who shower before it? Something to be meditated upon.