Minimum wage is your boss’s way of saying, “I’d pay you less, but it’s illegal.” Erich Seifert, Port Angeles, Washington baker
Thorne Webb Dreyer, Editor
Minimum wage is your boss’s way of saying, “I’d pay you less, but it’s illegal.” Erich Seifert, Port Angeles, Washington baker
This is terrific! TUGAPLS is ‘thank you, go ahead please’ in TWX (teletype talk).
Tell us all about what has made the newest generation (my grand-kids) a ‘nation’ of fat people?
Thank you (not) fast food joints; crap food – a nation that is frantically working; 2 jobs – trying to stay ahead, and pizza or burgers are ‘quick and easy’………….
Damn, I hate what is being done to our youth and the future of America!!! /ds