Thorne Webb Dreyer, Editor
Tag Archives: Language
METRO | The new American ‘internment camps’: A bad idea that doesn’t go away
‘Family detention’ is just a euphemism for ‘prisons incarcerating immigrant women and children.’ By Elaine J. Cohen | The Rag Blog | October 7, 2015 AUSTIN — According to my well-worn Webster’s, a euphemism is “the substitution of an agreeable … Continue reading
Alex Knight : Class and the English Language
William the Conqueror, first Norman king of England, as depicted on the famous Bayeux Tapestry. His royal descendants would speak French until Henry V, 350 years later.Blast from the past:Class division in the English language By Alex Knight / The … Continue reading
Joseph Stack and the Texas GOP : Murder-Suicide of the King’s English
Art by Cindy Flynn / Clifton Studios.Murder-suicide of the English language:Stack, and the Texas Republican primary By Greg Moses / The Rag Blog / March 9, 2010 Like fabled ruts gouged into dirt by heavy wheels, or war trenches widened … Continue reading
Posted in Rag Bloggers
Tagged Greg Moses, Joseph Stack, Language, Racism, Republican Party, Texas
‘We Filled a Lot of Space Together’ – G.W. Bush
When I decided to post this, I thought I would label it with the term ‘humor,’ but realised I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. There’s nothing even remotely humourous about these quotations from President Junior. They’re absolutely disheartening. … Continue reading
A Litany for George Carlin in Seven Words
George Carlin, who died of heart failure Sunday at 71, leaves behind not only a series of memorable routines, but a legal legacy: His most celebrated monologue, a frantic, informed riff on those infamous seven words, led to a Supreme … Continue reading →