Thorne Webb Dreyer, Editor
February 14, 2025
June 2, 2024
Tag Archives: Obama
Can George McGovern’s Left Populism Instruct Obama’s Modest Progressive Vision
Campaign worker Bill Clinton shown with presidential candidate George McGovern in 1972 AP photo.The American Left: McGovern, Obama, and ‘transformative’ changeBy Ken Brociner / May 25, 2008 One of the most common complaints among progressives is that we don’t have … Continue reading
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Tagged Bill Clinton, Democratic Party, Obama, Presidential Campaign, The Left
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Barack Has Annoyed Fidel
Castro Criticizes Obama Over EmbargoBy Will Weissert / May 26, 2008 HAVANA — Former President Fidel Castro says Sen. Barack Obama’s plan to maintain Washington’s trade embargo against Cuba will cause hunger and suffering on the island. In a column … Continue reading
Fox News’ Liz Trotta Jokes About Killing Obama
Fox commentator slams Clinton, jokes about killing ObamaBy Nick Langewis / May 25, 2008 This morning, while discussing the media uproar surrounding Senator Clinton’s latest invocation of Senator Robert F. Kennedy’s assassination, Liz Trotta, former New York bureau chief of … Continue reading
Maureen Dowd : All About Eve
Hillary’s inelegant misspeakBy Maureen Dowd / May 25, 2008 Maybe it was the proximity of Mount Rushmore and Deadwood, but something caused Hillary’s inner Eve Harrington to leap out in South Dakota. Venturing into Daschle-Obama territory, she inadvertently and inelegantly … Continue reading
Barack Obama wants Bill to heal Hillary Clinton wounds
Obama’s team think their man and Bill Clinton can reunite the partyAn assassination remark is the latest twist to sour relations between the two rivalsBy Sarah Baxter / May 25, 2008 WASHINGTON — Barack Obama, the probable Democratic presidential nominee, … Continue reading
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Tagged Bill Clinton, Democratic Party, Hillary, Obama, Presidential Campaign
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Reflections on the Question of Appeasement
Financier Prescott Bush and son George H.W. Bush.The Bushes and Hitler’s AppeasementBy Robert Parry The irony of George W. Bush going before the Knesset and mocking the late Sen. William Borah for expressing surprise at Adolf Hitler’s 1939 invasion of … Continue reading
Tom Hayden on Obama, Hillary and War With Iran
It’s About War and Peace, Not Simply Race and GenderBy Tom Hayden / May 20, 2008 The decisive issue in this election is about war and peace, between Barack Obama’s proposed diplomacy with Iran to end the war in Iraq, … Continue reading
Picking an Obama Running Mate
How about Obama-Webb?Building the Best Winning Ticket:Who’s the Progressive VP Choice?By Tom Hayden / May 18, 2008 [Tom Hayden has written this piece to initiate a discussion among progressives about the Democratic ticket. The Progressives for Obama website is running … Continue reading
Gore Vidal on Obama and Clinton
I knew JFK, says Gore Vidal, and believe me Obama’s the better leader Gore Vidal, the writer and long-time Clinton supporter, tells why Hillary is insane to keep on fighting By Melvyn Bragg / May 18, 2008 At 82, Gore … Continue reading
Massive Obama Rally in Portland
Fire officials estimated 65,000 packed into a riverside park Saturday, Sept. 18, for a spectacular afternoon rally at a sun-splashed scene on the banks of the Willamette River in Portland. They said an additional 15,000 were left outside and dozens … Continue reading
Moron-in-Chief on Obama and Appeasement (Bomb, Bomb Iran Dept.)
Lies of AggressionBy Paul Craig Roberts / May 16, 2008 On May 15, the White House Moron, in a war-planning visit to Israel, justified the naked aggression he and Ehud Olmert are planning against Iran as the only alternative to … Continue reading
Edwards Endorses Obama — Video
Breaking News: Edwards Endorses Obama Pt.1 Breaking News: Edwards Endorses Obama Pt.2Posted May 14, 2008 / The Rag Blog