Thorne Webb Dreyer, Editor
Tag Archives: Patriot Act
Jim Turpin : Is the Imperial Presidency the ‘New Normal’?
The Imperial Obama? Image from The Express Tribune. The ‘new normal’? The Imperial Presidency “Same as it ever was…” — Talking Heads (“Once in a Lifetime”) By Jim Turpin | The Rag Blog | February 27, 2013 First of a … Continue reading
Jack A. Smith : Big Brother’s Getting Bigger
Another sign of the times. Image from City Limits.Our civil liberties under attack:Big Brother’s getting even bigger Abuses of civil liberties are taking place with increasing frequency, but the public outcry has mainly been muted, an enticement for the authorities … Continue reading
Richard Raznikov : Battlefield America
“Dissent is terrorism.” Art by Anthony Freda / Activist Post.Battlefield America:‘We had to make some sacrifices…’ There are no more legal barriers to arrest without warrants, prison without lawyers, condemnation and even execution without trial. By Richard Raznikov | The … Continue reading
Posted in Rag Bloggers
Tagged Bill of Rights, Civil Liberties, Constitutional Law, Fascism, NDAA, Patriot Act, Richard Raznikov, War on Terror
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Ron Jacobs : Creeping Fascism? Ask the Cop on the Corner
Police state shown busily creeping. Image from The End of the World.Ask the cop on the corner:Creeping fascism The infant U.S. police state is no longer learning to crawl; it has learned to walk and will soon be stomping its … Continue reading
Posted in Rag Bloggers
Tagged Civil Liberties, Fascism, Occupy Movement, Patriot Act, Police Repression, Police State, Ron Jacobs, Surveillance
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Harry Tarq : 9/11’s in U.S. and Chile 28 Years Apart
After 9/11: The War-on-Terror Machine. Political cartoon by David Baldinger / and Chile:Two 9/11’s have similar impact In both countries the 9/11 event was followed by violence, threats to democracy, and economic shifts from the vast majority of the … Continue reading
Posted in Rag Bloggers
Tagged 9/11, Chile, Harry Targ, Militarism, Patriot Act, Salvador Allende, U.S. Foreign Policy, War on Terror
Marc Estrin : Acromegaly
Art from the ACLU.ACROMEGALY By Marc Estrin / The Rag Blog / February 15, 2011 Acronyms, I think, bring out the worst in people. For example, the USAPATRIOT act is not an act for American Patriots as it would appear, … Continue reading
Posted in Rag Bloggers
Tagged Alternative Medicine, Civil Liberties, Marc Estrin, Patriot Act
The PATRIOT Act’s War on Charity
‘New powers granted to the Treasury Department currently allow the government to shut down charities based on unfounded claims’ By Maya Schenwar / August 5, 2008 Since the PATRIOT Act’s passage almost seven years ago, many of its adverse effects … Continue reading
POETRY : True Homeland
Wubbzy in the style of Picasso / Frank Rocco. Welcome to the USA Patriarch Actwith its spying and break-insup its sleeve behind your backwith eavesdropping that’s a crackdownwith character attacks and panic attacksOh damn I’m indicted with fictionthough my sentence … Continue reading
BOOKS : The Dark Side by Jane Meyer
They described not just standing, but being kept up on their tiptoes with their arms extended out and up over their heads, attached by shackles on their wrists and ankles, for what they described as eight hours at a stretch. … Continue reading
Posted in RagBlog
Tagged al-Qaida, Books, Bush Administration, CIA, Criminal Justice, FISA, Guantanamo, Human Rights, National Security Agency, Patriot Act, Red Cross, Torture
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