Tag Archives: SDS


Photo by Alan Pogue | The Rag Blog. By Richard Croxdale | The Rag Blog | June 2, 2024 [Originally posted May 28, 2024, in the People’s History in Texas Substack and cross-posted to The Rag Blog.] Doyle Niemann passed … Continue reading

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Remembering Casey Hayden | in her own words

Casey Hayden wrote her own obituary and emailed it to a dear friend with instructions to share it with the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and Students for a Democratic Society (SDS).  Casey’s friend gave The Rag Blog permission to … Continue reading

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JONAH RASKIN : MEMOIR | One organizer, two cities: Jon Melrod’s ‘Fighting Times,’ from Madison to Racine

Jon Melrod recalls those heady days in his new memoir. By Jonah Raskin | The Rag Blog | April 7, 2022 The Port Huron Statement (PHS), which was written by Tom Hayden — with help from Al Haber and others … Continue reading

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He was always fiercely independent and intelligent. By Robert C. Cottrell | The Rag Blog | March 24, 2022 Listen to Thorne Dreyer’s two classic Rag Radio interviews with Todd Gitlin from July 19, 2013, and August 16, 2013. Listen … Continue reading

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OBITUARY | Rennie Davis (1940-2021): Not the boy next door

He was a man with a deep moral consciousness who followed the dictates of his heart and his head no matter where they took him. By Jonah Raskin | The Rag Blog | February 9, 2021 SONOMA COUNTY, Calif. — … Continue reading

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Allen Young :
FEATURE | New Left leader continued idealistic path with worker-owned company

SDS veteran Paul Millman retires after decades leading Vermont cooperative. By Allen Young | The Rag Blog | May 25, 2020 BRATTLEBORO, Vt. — “So what are you going to do when you grow up?” That’s a question asked, in … Continue reading

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Alice Embree :
OPINION |We have a binary choice in November

A second Trump administration would be an existential crisis for democracy, the planet. By Alice Embree | The Rag Blog | May 19, 2020 I signed a letter with Rag Blog editor Thorne Dreyer and 75 other founders and early … Continue reading

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Jonah Raskin :
BOOKS | Blowing themselves up: Revisiting the Weather Underground

‘Swords in the Hands of Children’ is Jonathan Lerner’s passionate tale of his adventures as a young, gay insurgent. By Jonah Raskin | The Rag Blog | September 14, 2017 Jonathan Lerner, author of Swords in the Hands of Children, … Continue reading

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Allen Young :
BOOKS | Jonathan Lerner’s ‘Swords in the Hands of Children’

Lerner, a closeted gay man active with the Weather Underground, tells a gripping story and reveals his authentic remorse. By Allen Young | The Rag Blog | September 13, 2015 Jonathan Lerner, author of Swords in the Hands of Children, … Continue reading

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Mariann Wizard :
METRO | The fan-shaped destiny of R. Paul Pipkin (1946-2017)

Paul was my sounding board, devil’s advocate, ‘camerado,’ goad, fount of naughty ideas, and sympathetic ear. By Mariann Wizard | The Rag Blog | August 23, 2017 SAN IGNACIO, Cavo, Belize — There was a notorious news photo from a … Continue reading

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Ray Reece :
Remembering Tom Hayden and Jane Fonda

Tom was not only a world-class leader in the movement but also a beloved brother in struggle. By Ray Reece | The Rag Blog | November 2, 2016 REMEMBERING TOM HAYDEN Peace activist and spiritual leader Rabbi Arthur Waskow and … Continue reading

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Thorne Dreyer :
We interviewed Tom Hayden on Rag Radio as Port Huron turned 50

‘If we appear to seek the unattainable, as it has been said, then let it be known that we do so to avoid the unimaginable.’ — Port Huron Statement By Thorne Dreyer | The Rag Blog | October 27, 2016 … Continue reading

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