THE RAG BLOG : BOOKS | ‘Exploring Space City!’ at Houston’s Printing Museum

Presentations from historian John Moretta and the book’s editors.

By The Rag Blog | March 10, 2012

HOUSTON – Houston’s Printing Museum is presenting a panel discussion – with a pop-up exhibit – of the New Journalism Project’s new book, Exploring Space City!, Houston’s Historic Underground Newspaper, on Friday, April 22, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. The Printing Museum is located at 1324 West Clay Street in Houston.

The book was edited by Thorne Dreyer, Alice Embree, Cam Duncan, and Sherwood Bishop. The discussion will feature remarks by historian John Moretta, author of The Hippies: A 1960s History, who has an essay in the book, and editors Dreyer, Embree, and Bishop.

About Exploring Space City!, historian Robert Cottrell, wrote: “This lovingly crafted compilation captures the spirit of the New Left and the counterculture.” Space City! was an underground newspaper published in Houston from June 5, 1969, to August 3, 1972. The paper – which was continually under assault from the Ku Klux Klan – was widely acknowledged to be one of the very best of  the hundreds of ‘60s-‘70s underground newspapers that had significant impact on mainstream journalism. Space City! covered news not otherwise  reported and helped pull together a widespread and diverse countercultural and New Left community in Houston.

Exploring Space City! features both articles and artwork from the original paper as well as essays written specifically for the book by its editors and others, designed to look back on the historical importance of the paper and to add contemporary perspective.

There will also be a “Friends of Space City!” meet-up the next day — Friday, April 22, 2022, from 4-6 p.m. — at Johnny McElroy’s Irish Pub & Patio, 1223 Waugh Drive in Houston. Everyone’s welcome. Please join us.

Books will be available at both Houston events.

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One Response to THE RAG BLOG : BOOKS | ‘Exploring Space City!’ at Houston’s Printing Museum

  1. Allen Young says:

    It’s marvelous that this important book is receiving recognition in this manner. I’m enjoying it myself — it’s a big book, so not finished yet! Congratulations to all the editors.

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