We visit with a pioneer of public radio; discuss the fine printing of O. Henry’s lost manuscript; get some help understanding all the political madness; and visit with one of the world’s leading economists.

Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist Ben Sargent on Rag Radio, November 20, 2015 . Photo by Greg Ciotti / KOOP Radio.
The following podcasts are from recent Rag Radio shows. The syndicated Rag Radio program, produced in the studios of Austin’s cooperatively-run KOOP-FM, has an international audience and has become an influential platform for interviews with leading figures in politics, current events, literature, and cutting-edge culture.
♦ Public Radio Legend María Martin, Founder of Latino USA
Read the show description and download the podcast of our November 27, 2015 Rag Radio interview with María Martin, joined by Mercedes de Uriarte, here — or listen to it here:
♦ Michael Hoinski & Ben Sargent on the Publishing of O. Henry’s Lost Manuscript
Read the show description and download the podcast of our November 20, 2015 Rag Radio interview with Michael Hoinski and Ben Sargent here — or listen to it here:
♦ Leading Leftist Thinker Carl Davidson Helps Us Make Some Sense of the Political Madness
Read the show description and download the podcast of our November 6, 2015 Rag Radio show with Carl Davidson here — or listen to it here:
♦ World-Renowned Economist James K. Galbraith on Greece, the Austerity Movement, and ‘The End of Normal’
Read the show description and download the podcast of our October 30, 2015 Rag Radio interview with Margaret Randall here — or listen to it here:
- Friday, November 20: Public radio legend María Emilia Martin, founder of Latino USA.
- Friday, December 18: Author, poet, critic, and former Yippie activist Jonah Raskin.
Rag Radio, a weekly hour-long syndicated radio program that has aired more than 300 original shows since September 2009, is produced and hosted by Rag Blog editor Thorne Dreyer. Tracey Schulz is engineer and co-producer.
Rag Radio is produced in the studios of KOOP 91.7-FM, a cooperatively-run all-volunteer community radio station in Austin, Texas, and is first broadcast live on KOOP every Friday from 2-3 p.m. (CDT) and streamed live on the web. All Rag Radio shows are posted as podcasts at the Internet Archive.
Rag Radio can also be heard on WFTE, 90.3-FM in Mt. Cobb, PA, and 105.7-FM in Scranton, PA., on KPFT-HD3 90.1, Pacifica radio in Houston, on KKRN 88.5-FM in Round Mountain, CA, and as a featured podcast at Veterans Today. Find details here.
After broadcast, all Rag Radio shows are posted as podcasts at the Internet Archive.
Rag Radio is produced in association with The Rag Blog, a progressive Internet newsmagazine, and the New Journalism Project, a Texas 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation.
Please contact us at ragradio@koop.org.
[Thorne Dreyer is an Austin-based writer, editor, broadcaster, and activist. A pioneering alternative journalist, Dreyer was a founding editor of the original Rag in 1966 Austin and Space City! in Houston, and managed KPFT-FM, Houston’s Pacifica radio station. Dreyer now edits The Rag Blog, hosts Rag Radio, and is a director of the New Journalism Project. Contact Dreyer at editor@theragblog.com.]
[Updated: November 27, 2015]